Psalm 149 — Beautifying Mercy

1 Praise ye the LORD.
Sing unto the LORD a new song,
And his praise in the assembly of the saints.
2 Let Israel rejoice in him that made him:
Let the children of Zion be joyful in their King.
3 Let them praise his name in the dance:
Let them sing praises unto him with the timbrel and harp.
4 For the LORD taketh pleasure in his people:
He will beautify the meek with salvation.
5 Let the saints exult in glory:
Let them sing for joy upon their beds.
6 Let the high praises of God be in their mouth,
And a two-edged sword in their hand;
7 To execute vengeance upon the nations,
And punishments upon the peoples;
8 To bind their king's with chains,
And their nobles with fetters of iron;
9 To execute upon them the judgement written:
This honour have all his saints.
Praise ye the LORD.

A psalm in praise of victory - the victory & power of God, and his people, over the nations. The psalm ends by describing this victory. With the two edged sword in hand, the saints execute the judgements sorely needed on this earth. God is the God of victory, and we are the people of his victory.

But the praise in the opening of the psalm is sweet & simple joy and merry-making: singing, rejoicing, dancing, playing timbrel & harp. We also see that the Lord himself takes pleasure in us, his people! He beautifies the meek with salvation!

Maybe this is why the psalm moves into victory, for this is victory indeed. Salvation & Glory in God is victory.


Psalm 150 — Praise Ye the Lord


Psalm 148 — God’s Praise Stands Against the Devil